Folks –
It appears the weather for August 1st will permit our outdoor AGM to occur. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on August 1st adjacent to the fire hall.
The agenda is attached below for your information.
As the Cadomin Community Society meeting will follow, the CEPA meeting will be shortened so as to permit elections and hopefully minimize other discussions.
Due to COVID-19 social gathering restrictions we would ask everyone to wear a face mask and maintain a common sense approach to social distancing. Please avoid coming to the meeting in person if you have been out of the Country in the last 14 days or are showing signs of COVID-19.
As previously mentioned, there will be no refreshments and the outdoor playground washrooms may or may not be available for use. Please bring your own chairs and dress appropriately.
Thank you,
Curtis Way
I hope you are all doing well and will make it thru the Covid-19 issue. How the world has changed in 30 days.
With the formation of CCS and in an effort not to fill the May long weekend with meetings, and after consultation with board members, we are going to hold both CEPA and CCS AGMs on Saturday, May 30, 2020. The CEPA meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m. with the CCS meeting to follow at 10:30 a.m. This assumes Covid-19 has not destroyed all our lives from whatever perspective you have on this issue.
The CEPA meeting will have the usual format of reports, director and auditor reports and elections. I will do my best to email an agenda out prior to the meeting.
As you are aware, Yellowhead County has committed to build a new community hall in Cadomin and the County would like input from the property owners with respect to the best location for said building. The County has identified 3 building locations and attached you will find a location concept plan for discussion. The County has advised of 3 viable options notwithstanding there were other properties that were considered.
At the CCS AGM, we will table financial statements and have a discussion and vote on membership dues, as well as, review options for the new community hall. Again I will hopefully send out an Agenda before the meeting. Christopher Read from the Yellowhead County will be attending to answer questions and monitor the members votes on the most desirable site.
In keeping with CCS bylaws only members of the association will be allowed to vote on all CCS matters, however written proxies are acceptable which includes emails. If you are unable to attend the 10:30 a.m. meeting, you are encouraged to email Christopher Read and myself as to your preferred site A, B or C.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday May 30/20.
Thank you,
Curtis Way
Once again our Annual General Meeting will be held on the May long weekend. Please set aside 8:00 AM Saturday May 18, 2019 for the CEPA meeting.
The Legion meeting will commence at 11:00 AM after the CEPA meeting.
Come to the meeting to get an update on:
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