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The Cadomin Community Society (CCS) was created in the fall of 2019. Its purpose is to represent property owners of the Hamlet of Cadomin and present a united voice on matters that affect the Hamlet.
The duties of CCS include engagement in the building, maintenance and staffing of recreational facilities owned by Yellowhead County (YC) and ensuring there are a broad range of recreational services available for people of all ages.
Agreements: CCS has a Lease Agreement signed with the County for 15 years. CCS has also signed an Operating Agreement and Construction Authorization Agreement with the County.
Funding: Yellowhead County has approved $1.5 million for the project. Estimated costs are now over $3 million. CCS has applied for a $1 million Community Facility Enhancement Grant from the province. Outcome will not be known until December. With or without the grant additional funding will be required through other grants and donations.
Yellowhead County has agreed to issue tax donation receipts to those people making donations towards this project. Please contact any of the Board members noted below for additional information on how to make a donation.
Location: The agreement with YC requires CCS to incorporate the existing firehall in the building of the new hall. See draft drawing.
Property owners in Cadomin are eligible for membership in CCS. Each property is entitled to have 2 voting members at the AGM and other meetings.
Membership dues:
Cost: $25.00 per household for 2 members, payable every 2 years. Next 2 year membership period starts January 1, 2023.
Current members: renew your membership for 2023/24 by the end of January 2023 to keep your membership current. Any dues paid at or after the 2022 AGM are credited toward 2023/24 membership.
New members: any membership purchased after July 30th 2022 will be valid until December 31, 2024.
Membership dues may be paid by:
General enquiries about CCS, membership, progress on the community hall and/or coming events should be made by e-mailing: Anita Lunden at or Dave Boyce at
President: Curtis Way
Vice President: Anita Lunden
Treasurer: Marlin Fisher
Secretary: Deanna Lovsin
Directors: Pat Hamson, David Boyce and Dale Hamblin
September 2022
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