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There will be an update session on the new hall in the firehall on Saturday, May 20. We'll be there from 10 a.m. to noon and again from 4 to 5 p.m. Come and take a look, ask questions and share your ideas on new activities and events you'd like to see at the new hall.
The Cadomin Environmental Protection Association was formed in the late 80's as a legally constituted association under the Society's Act of Alberta.
Continue reading "Cadomin Environmental Protection Association"
CCS Newsletter - The duties of CCS include engagement in the building, maintenance and staffing of recreational facilities owned by Yellowhead County
The Cadomin Community Society (CCS) was created in the fall of 2019 to represent property owners of the Hamlet of Cadomin & present a united voice on matters that affect the Hamlet
According to the Cadomin Legion, Telus activated cell phone coverage on December 8, 2017.
Yellowhead County has confirmed that they have requested Telus to complete the cell tower installation in Cadomin. As a result, cell phone service within the hamlet should be available before Christmas. The availability of internet through the cell tower is not yet confirmed however cell service will enable internet service on your cell phone.
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