The Cadomin Community Society (CCS) represents property owners of the Hamlet of Cadomin and present a united voice on matters that affect the Hamlet. The duties of CCS include engagement in the building, maintenance and staffing of recreational facilities owned by Yellowhead County (YC) and ensuring there are a broad range of recreational services available for people of all ages.
CCS needs members so it can:
Benefits of membership:
Property owners in Cadomin are eligible for membership in CCS. Each property is entitled to have two voting members at the AGM and other meetings.
Membership dues for 2023/24 (2-year membership) are $25.00 per household for two voting members. Pay dues by:
Receipts and membership cards will be provided to members.
Plans for the new hall are near completion and the project should go to tender before the end of October. There will be an online open house sometime in November to give everyone a change to see the plans and ask questions.
Members of the Board of Directors are working with the County to take advantage of programs offered in other communities as well as accessing funding for unique events. We are looking for more community members to join our committee. Contact Anita ( if you are interested.
We are currently making plans for:
General enquires about CCS, progress on the community hall and/or coming events should be made by e-mailing: Anita Lunden
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