Annual Trails/Public Access Meeting
June 23rd, 2018
- Steve Witiuk
- Ron Moss
- Faran Schaber
- Darren Bath
- Michael Holmes
- Dennis Jettkart
- Neil Ozee
- Faye Sinaei
- Andrea Boyce
- Jesse Nitex
- Randy Sams
- Jenny Seibel
- Ken Egloff
- Wally Kuzyk
- Marilyn Kuzyk
- Ken Stene
- Alice Stene
- Sheryl Driedger
- Jake Driedger
- Lucy Dearing
- Steve Dearing
- Dave Boyce
- Carol Boyce
- Sharene Egloff
- Howard Lutz
- Arlene Kemble
- Rodger Libby
- Marlin Fisher
- Curtis Way
- Kristen Andersen
- Arnold Stenger
- Robert Way
- Allen Winter
- Marina Moore, Teck
- Ciarán Thompson, Teck
Meeting Minutes:
Safety Share: Marina Moore shared details about a bear incident at Cardinal River to remind recreational users about the dangers associated with bears and potential encounters.
Review of action items from 2017 meeting:
Mary Gregg Lake signs installed
Paving Highway 40 to Cadomin.
- Ciarán Thompson from Teck spoke to representatives of Yellowhead County and Alberta Transportation and reiterated concerns from the public regarding safety.
- Alberta Transportation is responsible for Highway 40 and paving this highway is not part of their three-year plan.
Question: Will the washout on the Grave Flats Road be fixed?
- No current plans to fix the washout.
- Yellowhead County says that it’s a Provincial matter
- Recommendation to petition local MLA to fix the road
Cardinal River Operations Update
- Currently mining in Upper Harris area of Cheviot Permit. Mining in this area will continue to 2020.
- Applied to the Alberta Energy Regulator in March 2018 to proceed into the final areas of Cheviot Permit, the MacKenzie and Redcap. If approved this will extend the mine life to 2027.
- For MacKenzie Redcap, mining will take place approximately 10km from Upper Harris and involve mining around 606 hectares.
- Roughly 1.8 million tonnes of metallurgical (steelmaking) coal in MacKenzie area and 11.6 million in Redcap.
- Same type of truck and shovel, open pit mining with current haul road extending to MacKenzie Redcap area. Possibility of alternate haul road along the southern portion of Mineral Surface Lease boundary. Mine plan is changing and updates will be provided accordingly.
- Coal Exploration within the MacKenzie Redcap area this summer and fall to supplement historical coal data.
- Final decision about the MacKenzie Redcap project expected later this year or early 2019. Decision to proceed will be based on several factors, including the price of coal.
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